8 Easy Steps for Properly Cleaning Your Meat Grinder


Meat grinders are versatile and indispensable tools for culinary artists. Where meat grinders help turn raw meat into succulent dishes, they are also one of the most common sources of germ and bacterial growth. After each use, the meat residue left behind in the meat grinder becomes a breeding ground for harmful germs and infectious agents. Therefore, cleaning the meat grinder after every use is imperative for hygiene purposes and ensuring the purity of your delectable dishes and the health and safety of those who indulge in your dishes.

Learning the dangers of an uncleaned meat grinder, you might start to wonder, “How to clean a meat grinder?” While cleaning a meat grinder might look intimidating at first, know that cleaning a meat grinder is no different than washing another cookware.

In this article, we are going to discuss all about properly cleaning a meat grinder: how often you should clean it, what you need, the step-by-step process of cleaning, and insightful tips on meat grinder maintenance.

So, let’s get started!

Let’s learn how to properly clean meat grinders and keep germs at bay.

How Often Must a Meat Slicer Be Cleaned?

The FDA Food Code stipulates that meat slicer and grinder must be cleaned and sanitized at least every four hours. Thorough cleansing and sanitization require disassembling meat slicer surfaces that make contact with meat. This is to ensure that every potential germs breeding ground, such as blades, food tray, blade guard mount, and handle, which accumulate residue, are cleaned and sanitized properly.

What Do You Need to Clean a Meat Grinder?

Cleaning a meat grinder is as easy as cleaning any other kitchenware, but only if you have the right supplies, including the right meat grinder cleaning kit. Here’s what you will need for cleaning a meat grinder:

  1. Disassembly Tools: Screwdriver and wrench tools are essential for effectively disassembling a grinder, as these allow for the easy removal of blades, plates, and other components from it.
  2. Meat Grinder Cleaning Kit: A meat grinder cleaning kit is crucial for proper meat grinder cleaning. The kit contains a variety of brushes, including stiff-bristled meat grinder cleaning brushes that are essential tools for eliminating tough meat residue from hard-to-reach places.
  3. Warm, Soapy Water: Mild dish soap and warm water provide an effective cleaning solution for meat grinder cleaning.
  4. Bread: Running a couple of slices of bread through the meat grinder will help soak up the residue grease and oil.
  5. White Vinegar: Vinegar’s acidic properties help break down tough residues and neutralize unpleasant odors.
  6. Food-Grade Sanitizer: Sanitizers designed specifically for food equipment ensure complete eradication of bacteria.
  7. Towel or Cloth: To dry and polish components after cleaning to prevent any moisture-related issues.
  8. Food-Grade Lubricating Oil: It is vital in keeping a grinder running smoothly, helping reduce friction and extend the lifetime of moving parts.

how to clean a meat grinder

Step-by-Step Guide to Clean a Meat Grinder

Cleaning a meat grinder might seem daunting at first, but it becomes a straightforward process with proper tools and the appropriate approach. Let’s go over the step-by-step guide on how to properly clean a meat grinder.

Step 1: Run Bread through the Grinder

Once you have minced the meat, you should run a couple of slices of bread through the meat grinder. Bread will soak up the leftover grease and oil from the minced meat and push any residue meat stuck in the grinder.

Step 2: Disassembly

Unplug the meat grinder from its power source before you begin disassembling it. Carefully disassemble using a screwdriver and wrench, and remember the exact arrangement for reassembling blades, plates, and components as you remove them.

Step 3: Brush Residue Meat

After disassembly, you should brush off residue meat from each component using stiff-bristled meat grinder cleaning brushes from the meat grinder cleaning kit. After brushing, you should rinse each component with warm running water to remove loose meat particles.

Step 4: Soak Components

Fill a basin or a bucket with warm, soapy water and submerge the disassembled parts in it for at least 15-20 minutes. You can also consider adding a bit of white vinegar to the solution. This will help loosen and break down stubborn buildup of grime or residues.

Step 5: Scrubbing

Now get hold of your meat grinder cleaning kit, take each component out of the bucket, and scrub them thoroughly using appropriate nonabrasive brushes. During scrubbing, pay close attention to grooves and edges, where meat particles tend to get stuck.

Step 6: Sanitization

After scrubbing, rinse all parts in running warm water to eliminate soap residue. Use food-grade sanitizer according to manufacturer specifications for proper dilution and contact time to ensure proper disinfection.

Step 6: Drying

Now, take a clean cloth or a towel to polish and dry each grinder component to remove any moisture. Ensure that no liquid remains, particularly within crevices.

Step 7: Lubrication

Apply a small amount of food-grade lubricating oil to all moving parts, such as gears and bearings. Lubrication will help not only prevent rusting but will also ensure smooth operation.

Step 8: Reassembly

Carefully reassemble all components in their proper order. Double-check that you have secured all screws and bolts to avoid potential mishaps.

tips for maintaining a meat grinder

Tips for Maintaining a Meat Grinder

Proper maintenance of a meat grinder is crucial for its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some insightful tips on maintaining your meat grinder:

1. Clean Immediately After Use

Meat residue sticks to the grinder’s components and solidifies if left to rest for a while after use, making the cleaning process more complicated. Therefore, it is imperative that for easier and effective cleaning, you begin it as soon as you are done using it.  

2. Periodic Inspection and Lubrication

Periodically check your grinder for signs of wear and tear, such as worn gears or bearings, while applying food-grade lubricating oil to maintain smooth operation and prevent friction-related damages.

3. Proper Storage

To ensure proper storage, disassemble the grinder before placing it in an airtight container or cloth bag to protect it from moisture damage and ensure the longevity of its parts.

4. Avoid Cross-Contamination

It is crucial that when mincing different kinds of meat, your grinder is thoroughly cleaned between each change to avoid cross-contamination that could compromise both the taste and safety of your dishes.

5. Monitor Electrical Components

When operating an electric meat grinder, regularly inspect its power cord and plug for any signs of fraying or damage to avoid accidents and ensure safe operations. Any frayed cords or damaged plugs should be immediately replaced to avoid accidents and ensure safe operations.

VEVOR Meat Grinder: An Easy-to-Clean and Powerful Option

When it comes to selecting a meat grinder, VEVOR Electric Meat Grinder stands out from other meat grinders available in the market. It is fast and powerful—able to cut 8.3 pounds of meat per minute and operate for 4 continuous hours—and also easier to clean.

Knowing the need for frequent cleaning of meat grinders to ensure proper hygiene and health safety, VEVOR has created its meat grinders with ease of cleaning in mind. All our meat grinders’ components and accessories are detachable and manufactured with stainless steel. This means that you can easily disassemble the meat grinder after every use and throw its components in the dishwasher machine for cleaning. And for the rest of the accessories, you can use a wet towel with a small detergent or the complimentary brush that comes with the machine.

vevor meat grinder cleaning

FAQs about Meat Grinder Cleaning

Q: How Can I Clean Rust off a Meat Grinder?

To eliminate rust from a meat grinder, soak the rusted components in white vinegar solution for some time. Then, take it out and scrub the rusted part with a stiff brush. After brushing, soak it in hot water and baking powder solution to neutralize the acid. After that, apply coconut oil to prevent future rusting.

Q: Can I Put Meat Grinder Parts In The Dishwasher?

Yes, meat grinder components manufactured with stainless steel are dishwasher-safe. That said, you will need to check the manufacturer’s instructions on it. Regarding VEVOR’s meat grinders, their components can be put directly into the dishwasher as they are manufactured with high-quality stainless steel.

Q: Is It Necessary to Lubricate My Meat Grinder?

Yes, regular lubrication is necessary to ensure smooth operation and guard the components of grinders against rust.

Q: How Do I Sanitize the Meat Grinder?

Clean all parts in warm, soapy water before sanitizing with food-grade sanitizer. Do not forget to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for correct dilution and contact time.

Q: What Should I Do for Long-Term Storage?

For long-term storage, carefully disassemble, clean, and dry all parts. Once components are completely dry, store them in an airtight container or cloth bag in a cool, dry location. Lubricate parts before storage to help prevent rusting.

meat grinder long-term storage


To sum up, cleaning the meat grinder after every use or at least every 4 hours is imperative not only to ensure proper hygiene and prevent the growth of germs and infectious agents but also for the optimum functioning of the meat grinder.

Cleaning a meat grinder might look daunting, but it is actually very simple when you have the right supplies and follow a systemic step-by-step process. Start by running bred through the grinder, then disassemble components and brush them before soaking them in a warm, soapy solution. After soaking, scrub the components thoroughly to ensure deep cleaning. Once cleaned, sanitize the components and dry them with a towel. Finally, apply a food-grade lubricant to the moving parts before storing them in airtight containers.

If you want cleaning meat grinders to become a breeze, invest in powerful yet easier-to-clean VEVOR meat choppers and grinders.

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