How to Select the Perfect Gloves for Smoking Meat: A Buyer’s Guide

Gloves for smoking meat

It’s a Saturday evening. You’re bonding over smoked beef or chicken at a family gathering or want to try a new grilled turkey recipe you saw online. You have your grill out, oiled, and ready to go, but you know the process is never complete without your gloves.

As the designated meat smoker, you’ll have to handle hot grates, maneuver around intense heat, and turn the hot meat at intervals. So, one thing is sure: you may get burned if you don’t have gloves for smoking hot meat. What do you do? Invest in a glove that’s heat-resistant, durable, and flexible. And while there are many gloves that may suit this purpose, VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves are some of the best options in the current market. 

These gloves are designed to withstand high-temperature conditions such as making barbecues and smoking sessions. They’re designed to protect your fingers against the heat without losing the dexterity that helps you handle tools and food safely. This article will guide you through choosing gloves for smoking meat and recommend the top brands you should consider buying from.

Why Use Gloves Specifically Designed for Smoking Meat?

You may wonder why you need special gloves to handle meat when you can use your regular kitchen gloves. Using these special gloves can protect you better than a kitchen glove will. Ideally, several risks are associated with smoking meat, and only special gloves are suited to protecting you from them. Some of these risks include:

1. Burns: Smoking meat requires a high temperature from your grill, and because that temperature can hurt your skin, you may get burnt when turning the meat and taking it out. Regular kitchen gloves aren’t designed to withstand that much heat because regular kitchen appliances don’t generate that temperature level.

2. Heat Transfer: Smoking meat usually involves standing over the fire for a long time. Your kitchen gloves won’t be able to withstand heat for that long. If you expose kitchen gloves for too long, the heat from outside could transfer through the material and burn your skin.

3. Grease and Liquid Exposures: Smoking meat can expose you to hot grease and juice that can seep through materials not explicitly designed to be liquid-proof and burn you. Only gloves for smoking meat can protect you in this situation.

Benefits of Using Specialized Smoking Gloves for Grilling

As mentioned, using specialized gloves for smoking meat offers several benefits that normal gloves won’t. This section discusses these unique advantages.

Higher Heat Resistance: Smoking gloves are made from materials that can withstand higher temperatures. These materials, which include silicon, leather, and treated fabrics, can withstand adverse heat and temperature — up to 450°F or more.

They are More Durable: Outdoor smoking isn’t the same as baking pies in your kitchen, which is why you need something better than your kitchen gloves. Smoking gloves are built to endure tough conditions such as smoking, grilling, exposure to char, and embers. They are more durable than kitchen gloves since they won’t degrade or tear under similar temperature conditions.

Water and Grease Resistance: Gloves specifically made for smoking meat are usually waterproof and resistant to oils and greases. Since they’re resistant to these conditions, it’s safe to say they’ll prevent hot liquids in the juicy parts of the meat from reaching your skin.

Key Features to Look for in BBQ Gloves

Now that you know the difference between what your regular gloves and smoking gloves offer when grilling meats, the next step is to understand the key features you should look out for before paying for a BBQ glove. The major questions you should ask before buying any gloves for smoking meat include:

1. Are They Resistant to Heat?

The primary purpose of BBQ gloves is to protect your hands from the high temperature of grilling and smoking. An effective heat resistance feature will prevent burns and let you handle the equipment better. Look for gloves that can handle at least 350°F temperature.

2. What Material Are They Made From?

The material will determine the overall quality and durability of your BBQ glove. Experts advise that you should go for gloves that are made from materials such as silicone, Neoprene, or leather. 

With silicone, your gloves will be waterproof, non-porous, and efficiently heat-resistant. Silicon gloves are easy to clean and can grip materials well, which is important when you’re handling slick or wet surfaces. They are soft, firm, and protect your hands against hot conditions. However, you should be careful not to puncture them with sharp objects.

Gloves made from Neoprene are likely chemical resistant, waterproof, and flexible. They offer good heat resistance quality, and are better for handling greasy or oily conditions than the ones made from silicone. They can also resist physical damage better.

Gloves made from leather are known for their durability and resistance to high heat and flames. They can handle sharp elements, and can withstand the temperature from hot coal or wood. Leather gloves also tend to fit better to the user’s hands overtime. However, they usually need more maintenance to keep them in great condition.

3. Are They Comfortable?

Smoking gloves are designed to provide better agility and comfort. This is crucial because you’ll need to use tongs, knives, and other tools safely to cut and handle meat. Good dexterity reduces the risk of accidents that can happen when tools slip from your hand. Stiff gloves make it harder to grip or hold your grilling tools properly, and you could drop a knife, grates, or even the meat when using an uncomfortable glove.

You should also check if the glove fits you. Most smoking gloves are created to be flexible and comfortable, but you should always check if they fit snugly and aren’t too tight. Having a glove that is too tight hinders your movements and cramps your fingers, and something as mundane as flipping burgers could become a chore. You should also avoid gloves that are too big because you can’t do anything with excessively large tools.

Top Contenders for Best Gloves to Handle Hot Meat

There are specific BBQ gloves you should go for to get the best of your experience when smoking meat. While there are several options in the market, studies from experts, rigorous tests, and reviews have shown that products from some brands are better than the rest. We have picked the top contenders for the best gloves to handle hot meat in the current market for you below.

VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves

VEVOR BBQ Gloves stand out with their premium materials and excellent features. The gloves are elbow length and can withstand temperature conditions up to 450°F due to their multi-layer construction. VEVOR gloves also maintain excellent flexibility and comfort. They’re lightweight and fit into your fingers perfectly. VEVOR gloves are also versatile — besides grilling, you can also use them for high-heat tasks like baking or handling hot pans.


RAPICCA gloves are thick and boast excellent heat resistance capacity. They are capable of handling a heat level up to 932°F. RAPICCA combined leather and Kevlar to make their gloves ideal for handling meat, coals, and smokers. Reviews say they are also proficient for deboning pork perfectly.

Artisan Griller BBQ Gloves

Artisan Griller’s gloves are some of the best options for BBQ makers in the current market. They are Neoprene coated, providing excellent water, oil, and heat resistance. They’re shaped like a traditional pit glove and are perfect for cutting up juicy meat. 

Ekogrips BBQ Gloves

Ekogrips BBQ gloves stand out for their all-silicone design. Their gloves offer maximum water resistance and hygiene, since they’re easy to clean. Their textured surface enhances grip, reducing the risk of slips while handling hot tools and meat.

In-Depth Review of VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves

VEVOR BBQ grill gloves

VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves are known for exceptional handling of intense heat, comfort, and durability. One of the standout features of VEVOR gloves is their comfortable design, especially when you’re grilling or smoking for an extended period.

The glove’s interior is lined with a skin-friendly, soft double layer of cotton that lets your skin breathe even when you wear it for hours. The gloves are also designed to fit well, with enough flexibility to let you handle grilling tools and meat easily. They are lightweight, fashionable and come with a beautiful shape and a pleasing color.

As a proof of its amazing effectiveness and quality, many users have praised VEVOR Gloves. Some of the most common comments from users have highlighted the product’s durability and versatility. Check out some of these feedback from real users of the product.

Great product – Protective, flexible, not bulky. 

I needed ideas for some smaller Christmas gifts for my husband, and came across these. Purchased these because: – He grills a lot. – His favorite color is orange. What did he think? – They were a hit! He even brings them inside if he is using the oven. Other positives: They are light weight. They are not bulky like other glove/mitten styles. They work – he has comfortably carried many hot, cast iron skillets full of food from our grill to the kitchen, which is about 60’. I decided to try them and even though they were a little big, they worked well for me too. These gloves are very flexible and work incredibly well”. – Ricardo Garcia.

“Can’t feel any heat.

These gloves are great! I can’t feel any heat come through. They are also very easy to clean inside and out. I am very satisfied with this product and would highly recommend it”. – Anonymous user.

Overall, VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves are highly recommended for grilling meat. They offer top-of-the-line protection, substantial heat resistance, and comfort.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Your BBQ Gloves

maintaining BBQ gloves

While all the BBQ gloves provided in this article are renowned for being durable, it is important that you must maintain them properly. This is to keep them in great shape, and ensure they serve you effectively for a long time. As a general rule, you should regularly clean them, and store them properly.

How To Clean Grilling Gloves

Cleaning your BBQ gloves doesn’t have to be a difficult task. First, we advise that you consult the manufacturer’s manual for the correct cleaning procedure. It’s also essential to understand that the perfect cleaning routine depends on the material of your glove. We have highlighted the necessary cleaning routines most suitable for each material below:

Silicone Gloves: Wash them with soap and water or put them in the dishwasher. Don’t use harsh cleaners, as these cleaners can degrade the silicone over time. Clean the outer part with dry cotton material and dry the glove inside out.

Leather Gloves: Cleaning leather gloves usually require gentle care. Wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime without oversaturating the leather. You can also use a leather conditioner regularly to keep the leather soft and prevent cracking.

Fabric Gloves: Fabric gloves (often made with materials like cotton or aramid fibers) should be washed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually, you can machine-wash them with mild detergent.

How To Store Your Gloves

An essential aspect of maintaining your gloves is learning how to properly store them. Experts advise that you store them in a dry, cool place. When they’re not in use, don’t expose them to high temperatures or direct sunlight to avoid breaking the material, especially for leather and synthetic fibers. You should also ensure they’re completely dry before storing them to prevent mold and mildew.

How To Maintain Their Heat Resistance

Maintaining the heat resistance of your gloves is essential since they can’t serve you well without this quality. To ensure they’re always heat resistant, avoid exposing them to direct flame, regardless of their material. Direct flame can weaken the structural integrity of materials like silicone, leather, and aramid.

Always inspect your gloves for wear and tear, particularly in areas constantly exposed to heat, such as the fingertips. Inspection will reveal whether your gloves need repair or should be replaced. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid with BBQ Gloves

When using BBQ gloves, there are some mistakes to avoid. They include: 

  1. Using your gloves when they’re wet. Moisture conducts heat more quickly, and you’ll get burnt.
  2. Not storing them properly. Damp storage is a perfect breeding space for mold.
  3. Not cleaning them. Accumulated grease and dirt can debase the protective material. 


Every BBQ maker understands the need to invest in quality gloves for smoking meat. Apart from helping you in getting the job done effectively, the perfect gloves will properly protect your hands, keep you safe, and save you a lot of money.

While there are a lot of options in the market, we recommend the VEVOR BBQ Grill Gloves for your grilling needs. We believe the VEVOR models are the perfect investment because of their track record of excellence, durability, safety, versatility,  and amazing design. It’s also important to mention that these gloves are the perfect value for money.

Consider visiting the VEVOR website today or walk into any of their worldwide warehouses to order your own gloves and elevate your grilling experience!

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