VEVOR Cotton Candy Machine Troubleshooting


VEVOR Cotton Candy Machines are renowned for transforming ordinary sugar into delightful, fluffy confections. However, like any intricate piece of machinery, they may occasionally encounter issues that hinder their performance.

This guide explores common issues and provides some common VEVOR cotton candy machine troubleshooting methods to keep the candy flowing smoothly.

VEVOR Cotton Candy Machine Troubleshooting Tips

Before doing the cotton candy machine troubleshooting steps, ensure to follow each step briefly:

cotton candy machine not making floss

Troubleshooting Tip #1: Cotton candy machine not making floss

If your cotton candy machine is not making floss, then there might be multiple reasons for that, like:

Cotton Candy Machine Is Not Warm Enough: If your machine is not hot enough to produce cotton candy, you must warm it up for some time before making it. For this, ensure your machine is plugged in and turned on.

Candy distributed unevenly: If your machine uses hard candy due to unevenly spaced candy, they’ll not melt the sugar and get the problem in spinning. Before starting, make sure they’re evenly spaced.

Inadequate sugar: You need to do a VEVOR cotton candy machine troubleshooting when your machine doesn’t get enough sugar, it’ll not create cotton candy as there will not be enough sugar to heat. Carefully read your machine’s manual and pour enough sugar to make a portion.

cotton candy machine shaking

Troubleshooting Tip #2: Cotton candy machine shaking

The shaking and spinning can be caused due to the extractor head and the machine. To know why my cotton candy machine is not working, it’s quite likely that your cotton candy machine requires cleaning:

Dirt extractor: Clean your cotton candy machine after every use since residue might build up. Sticky residue may make the extractor hard to not spin. So you need to take adequate care of your equipment.

Motor Failure: A damaged and broken motor causes the extractor head to not spin. But you need to check for sugar build-up and examine any blockage beforehand. If you still face the issue, your motor must be replaced.

cotton candy machine not heating up

Troubleshooting Tip #3: My cotton candy machine is not heating up

You can heat the cotton candy machine by controlling the heat connected to the switch. However, different models have different structures and have a resistor in the middle. Furthermore, you must set up the VEVOR cotton candy machine temperature settings. But follow the below steps to troubleshoot your cotton candy machine if it’s not heating up.

Usage of multimeter: Disassembling the parts and using the multimeter to check the heat. To check out a heating element, a multimeter is the most effective way to check a heating element.

Loose Wire: Make sure no loose wire or terminal is between the meter and the switch. Look up for loose connections and frayed wires.

Electrical Brushes: Check the electrical wires of blue and red color that connected the meter to the electrical brush housings. Then, check the connections and ensure a brush touches the copper bands. Sometimes, carbon can build up on the copper bands due to brushes and, as a result, sparkle. Spin the head by hand to clean up the carbon build-up with a scratch pad.

cotton candy machine not melting sugar

Troubleshooting Tip #4: Cotton candy machine not melting sugar

If you add candy or sugar to your cotton candy machine, but it doesn’t melt or turn into cotton candy once the device is on, there must be a problem with the VEVOR cotton candy machine temperature settings. But you can take a look at the further problems:

A device may not warm up: Heat your device before adding sugar to a cotton candy machine. Wait at least 10 minutes before putting sugar into the cotton candy machine.

Build up of residue: An uncleaned cotton candy machine can cause this problem when you don’t clean your cotton candy machine daily. After usage, it allows residue to build up. You should learn how to clean burnt sugar from the cotton candy machine for this. Ensure your machine is clean to prevent sugar burning and smoking on the heating elements.

VEVOR Cotton Candy Machine Preventive Maintenance Tips

Like every other device, the candy machine also requires maintenance and cleaning for upkeep. Prioritize cleaning above anything regularly to keep your cotton candy machine in good condition. Additionally, it’ll endure your machine as long as possible. Here are the few steps you can follow if your cotton candy machine is not making floss:

1. Regular Cleaning

Dissemble your machine after every use to keep your cotton candy machine in better condition. It’ll include removing the spinning head and the bowl and wiping down with hot and soapy water. Don’t forget to sanitize your machine.

2. Storage

Whenever you store your machine, make sure it’s in a safe place. Let the machine dry out completely before storing it, and store it in a dry and cool place. Consider putting a machine on a stand or a cart if you use it daily or for commercial use, as it protects the machine from dust and damage.

3. Replacement of Parts

Wear and tear can damage your cotton candy machine’s spinning head over time. So you need a regular machine inspection and replace damaged and worn parts. Not only will this keep your machine safe, but it’ll also make your cotton candy taste better.

4. Perform Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Ensure your cotton candy machine has no damaged or loose parts during use. There’s no problem with the temperature settings on the VEVOR cotton candy machine. Keep all the electronic components in the machine in good working order. Your cotton candy machine will last longer and run safer if you follow these maintenance tips.

FAQs about VEVOR Cotton Candy Machine Troubleshooting

1. What should I do if the floss isn’t forming?

Always check the machine’s power supply and ensure it is turned on and plugged in. If you don’t pour enough sugar into the machine, you will not be able to create cotton candy since the machine won’t have enough sugar to heat it and create cotton candy.

2. Why is the cotton candy spinning unevenly?

In your machine, the candy is unevenly spaced – does it use hard candy in your machine? They will not melt correctly if they are not evenly spaced out, and the head will not spin as expected if they are not properly spaced out. It is important to ensure the tiles are evenly spaced before you begin.

3. How can I fix the machine if it’s overheating?

Ensure there is still sugar in the unit by checking to see if any is left. The unit may begin to smoke if it runs for a long period without sugar. Ensure that the unit doesn’t have too much sugar in it. The motor may overheat if it appears to be overloaded.

4. Why is the cotton candy coming out too thin?

Because of the moisture in the ambient air, the cotton candy becomes wet, much like saliva in a mouth, causing it to melt and harden. It is important to remember that the candy absorbs moisture from the air, which collapses the sugar fluff. The fairy fluff remains fluffy and soft for a longer period in the dry bag.

5. What if the machine is making strange noises?

The machine floss head can be the cause of this problem. Ensure that you fill your container evenly! If the container is overfilled, excessive vibration will occur as a result. You should manually turn the head to balance the sugar balance before switching on the power.


Sometimes, your cotton candy machine needs troubleshooting and maintenance to work properly. Furthermore, before troubleshooting the cotton candy machine, ensure your machine does not need a replacement of parts.

You can follow VEVOR cotton candy machine temperature settings if you see sugar is not melting and your machine is not heating up and producing noises. All the above steps can be performed on any cotton candy machine, including your favorite VEVOR candy machine. Still needing help? Get in touch with a reliable tech in your area.

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