VEVOR Electric Griddle: Your Kitchen Essential

VEVOR electric griddle

If you’re on the hunt for a new kitchen griddle, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we want to take a much closer look at the VEVOR Electric Griddle, a true powerhouse when it comes to the culinary world, something that allows you to grill up some delicious breakfast, lunches, and dinners alike. Today, we aren’t just going to look at the VEVOR Electric Griddle, but we’ll also provide you with an in-depth buying guide on how to choose the right one in the first place.

What is an Electric Griddle?

An electric griddle is a simple yet super useful kitchen appliance that features a flat surface that can be cooked on. This flat surface is generally made of stainless steel, although there are also other materials that may be used. 

This is a large and flat cooking surface that is directly heated by internal heating coils, with some models potentially using infrared heat. As you can tell by the name, electric griddles run using electricity, not propane or charcoal like some grills might, making them an ideal option for indoor use.

The Benefits of Owning an Electric Griddle

If you’re wondering why you might want to purchase an electric griddle, there are quite a few notable benefits worth taking into account.

  • Electric griddles tend to be very energy efficient, which means that they cost less to cook with than various other cooking appliances.
  • These griddles are very versatile, and as long as you have a power source, you can take them virtually anywhere. Their high level of portability is something that many appreciate.
  • Although electric griddles come in sizes large enough to cook full meals on, they also tend to be fairly compact, making them ideal for storing in small areas.
  • Electric griddles are very versatile in terms of the foods that can be cooked on them. The flat cooking surface works just as well for breakfast foods like pancakes and eggs as it does for dinner foods like steak, burgers, and vegetables.
  • Electric griddles tend to be fully adjustable for temperature, and most of them get very hot, making them perfect for achieving that golden brown sear.
  • The other benefit of having an electric griddle is of course that it can be used indoors, unlike charcoal and gas-powered grills.

What Can You Cook on an Electric Griddle?

what to cook on electric griddle

The beauty of an electric griddle lies in the fact that it’s so versatile in terms of all of the different foods you can cook on them. Starting with the beginning of the day, breakfast is always a great option.

That flat cooking surface is ideal for bacon, hash Browns, eggs, pancakes, and anything else of the sort. In general, anything that requires a flat cooking surface, like you would get with a frying pan, works well on an electric griddle. This means that searing meat of all sorts is ideal on an electric griddle, whether you’re cooking up some tasty burgers or some juicy steaks.

Vegetables are another option for a griddle, because some seared veg always tastes great. Some electric griddles may even come with grill plates instead of flat tops, which just increases their overall versatility just that much more.

How to Choose the Best Electric Griddle

Before we talk about the VEVOR Electric Griddle, let’s first take a closer look at the most important purchasing considerations for you to keep in mind.

Size and Capacity

Always pay attention to the overall size and capacity of the electric griddle in question. Of course, there is a certain tradeoff to consider here, as larger griddles can fit more food on them, but they also take up more space. Therefore, you need to consider what your needs are. Do you need something that can feed a whole family, or do you need something small to cook breakfast for one or two people, something that you can then easily store in a small cupboard?


Next, also consider the materials that the electric griddle in question is made of. Generally speaking, something made of stainless steel is best. This is a material that is highly resistant to many forms of damage, and more importantly, it is rustproof. This means that no matter how wet the unit gets, it won’t rust, a big issue that many other materials often suffer from.


Overall, you do need to pay attention to the durability of the electric griddle. This doesn’t just mean that it’s made out of a material like high-quality stainless steel, but that it also features a high build quality in general. This means having buttons or knobs that are tightly attached and don’t wobble, feet or legs that are stable (and potentially even adjustable), and a cooking surface that won’t scratch the second you look at it the wrong way.

Included Plates and Cooking Surfaces

The next consideration you want to keep in mind here is what kind of cooking plates are included. The standard here is a non-stick flat cooking surface, which is why griddles may also be referred to as flattops. The point here is that you need that cooking surface to be made out of high-quality stainless steel. However, there are some models that may come with a non-stick cooking surface. While these are ideal because they make cleanup easier, they also have durability issues. Although, there are cooking surfaces made of cast-iron, which may also be non-stick, which tends to provide you with the best of both worlds.

Power Level

How much power the electric griddle in question uses should be considered as well, because the more power the unit in question uses, the faster it can get up to temperature. Moreover, the more power the griddle in question has, the better able it will be to achieve very high temperatures, and just as importantly, to maintain those high temperatures. At least 1,000 watts is called for.

Adjustability and Temperature Range

Finally, consider how adjustable the electric griddle is. In other words, what is the temperature range? A good griddle should be able to achieve temperatures of at least 500 degrees, especially if you expect to get a good sear on that meat.

The VEVOR Electric Griddle: Review

Now that we know what you need to look out for when purchasing an electric griddle, let’s take a closer look at one of the best models on the market, the VEVOR 29″ Commercial Electric Griddle.

VEVOR countertop electric griddle


One of the standout features of this particular electric griddle is the fact that it features a 3000-Watt power level. That’s more than the vast majority of electric griddles on the market at this time, and it means that this unit is able to achieve extremely high temperatures very quickly.

It doesn’t take long to get up to heat, and it can maintain high temperatures very easily as well. It’s very easy to adjust and you should be able to get this thing as hot as 572°F. Even better is the fact that it actually has dual heating zones, so you can independently adjust both sides, thus allowing you to cook a variety of foods at once.

The cooking surface is 28.7 inches x 15.7 inches, which is quite large in the grand scheme of things. It should be big enough to cook well over 30 hotdogs at once, just for reference. That said, with that large cooking surface also comes substantial overall weight and size. Although the VEVOR Electric Griddle is still small enough to technically be portable and easy to store, there are certainly smaller and lighter options yet.

That said, we aren’t about to complain due to a bit of weight, because the reason why it’s a bit heavy is thanks to a combination of high-quality materials used in its construction. The main part of the VEVOR Electric Griddle is made with stainless steel, which as we mentioned above, is a great material to build the body of a griddle out of.

The cooking surface is made with a coated cast iron material, which means that it is extremely durable and resistant to scratching. However, the addition of the coating also makes the VEVOR Electric Griddle very easy to clean, not to mention that it also prevents food from sticking to it. Another bonus is that the cooking surface features an oil drainage hole, so excess grease drains away from your food, and right into an easy to dispose of collection bin.


  • Very durable build
  • High power level
  • Dual heating zones
  • Non-stick cast iron surface
  • Heats very quickly
  • Easy to clean
  • Grease drainage hole
  • High capacity


  • Somewhat heavy
  • Limited portability


How to clean an electric griddle?

An electric griddle is fairly easy to clean. First, simply shut the unit off, but make sure that it is still warm. With the unit still warm, pour some hot water onto it, and let it soak for just a little bit. If the griddle is too cold, you may want to turn it on quickly, as heating the water will release some stuck-on food. Then, with the flat griddle tool, simply scrape all residue into the collection hole, and then wipe the surface with a clean and non-abrasive towel or paper towel.

What’s the best material for an electric griddle cooking surface?

In general, while stainless steel works really well for electric griddles, cast iron cooking surfaces are often preferred. Although cast iron is a bit heavier than stainless steel, it’s also more durable. Furthermore, some cast iron electric griddles feature non-stick cooking surfaces, which makes them ideal in terms of ease of cleaning.

How much power should a decent electric griddle have?

Most electric griddles have anywhere between 1000 and 2000 watts of power. This is the ideal level, but if you can find an electric griddle with more power than this, then you’re on the right track. For instance, the unit that we reviewed today features a full 3000 watts of power, which should be more than enough for any type of cooking.

Final Thoughts on the VEVOR Electric Griddle

The VEVOR Electric Griddle truly is one of the best of its kind. The coated cast iron surface makes cooking easy, the high-power level means achieving high temperatures is possible, and the overall build quality of the unit as a whole is up there with the best of them too. The bottom line is that whether it’s an electric griddle or any number of other tools and appliances, VEVOR is always a go-to option.

2 thoughts on “VEVOR Electric Griddle: Your Kitchen Essential”

  1. Olá! Adorei o seu post sobre a Chapa Elétrica VEVOR. Realmente parece uma opção fantástica para quem busca eficiência e praticidade na cozinha. É impressionante como ela pode atingir temperaturas altas rapidamente, o que certamente torna o processo de cozinhar mais eficaz e agradável. Além disso, a portabilidade mencionada é um grande plus para quem tem pouco espaço ou adora cozinhar em diferentes ambientes. Acredito que a facilidade de limpeza também é um ponto super positivo, especialmente para aqueles que não gostam de perder tempo com a manutenção após o uso. Sem dúvida, parece um investimento valioso para a cozinha!

  2. Am achiziționat recent plita electrică VEVOR și sunt extrem de mulțumit de performanța ei. Eficiența energetică și versatilitatea în gătit fac din această plită o adiție valoroasă în bucătăria mea. Suprafața antiaderentă și ușurința în curățare sunt aspecte care îmi economisesc timp prețios. Recomand cu căldură acest produs oricui caută o soluție de gătit fiabilă și de înaltă calitate.

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