I bought two of these to install a livewell in my boat, but after cutting out the area for the livewell I relized I had not taken the angle of the sides into account. I now have a battery and anchor storage box. So I used this kit to turn an old cooler into a recirculating livewell. I mounted the pump at the bottom by drilling a 1" hole and another hole at the top for the water to recirculate. The pump was long enough to fit thru the cooler wall. However the fitting on the other end was not. So I used a thru hull fitting and then hooked together with the supplied tubing. I then added length to the wires and hooked it up to my boat battery. It may be a pain to have to manually fill the cooler but it will keep fish alive all day while out on the lake. With the return shipping costs being around 25% of the purchase price, returning the second is not an economical option, I will keep this one as a spare.